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Programs : Brochure

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  • Locations: San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Program Terms: Fall
  • Restrictions: SJU applicants only
  • Dates / Deadlines
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Minimum GPA: Class Eligibility:
Language of Instruction: English Program Type: Faculty-led, Study Tour
Academic Areas: Biology, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Faith-Justice, Global Health Care Ethics, Health Care Ethics, Interdisciplinary Health Services, Theology Click here for a definition of this term Scholarships: Center for International Programs, Shreiner Scholarship for Study in Latin America
Program Description:
 Just Healthcare in the Developing Nations (IHS/THE 368) - Study Tour in Costa Rica
January 4-11, 2025*Nicaragua Clark 2013
Duration: Fall 2024 course with about 7 days travel in January 2025. 
*Travel dates are tentative
Course InformationNicaragua Clark 2013
Courses: THE 368/IHS 368 Just Healthcare in Developing Nations with Father Peter Clark (Fall 2020)
  • Fulfills
    • IHS & THE major/minor credit
    • Capstone for Healthcare Ethics Minor
    • International Business Exposure requirement
    • Globalization GEP
    • Ethics Intensive Overlay GEP
Course Description:
Socially induced needs are a result of a historical development of material and social conditions coupled with a social consensus that some things are necessary for happiness, social life, or some other goal. In American society certain needs are considered a necessity. Most Americans would agree with this, although it is clear that societies have survived and often flourished without these necessary goods. However, many societies lack the wealth and infrastructure to supply these goods to the majority of their people. Adequate health care is not only a need of every person; it is a fundamental right that all persons deserve. The principle of justice demands an equitable distribution of health care resources that is adequate for the restoration and preservation of health for all members of humanity. This basic and adequate health care may be called humane insofar as it protects the dignity of every individual person.

The Just Health Care in Developing Nations course examines the issue of just health care for all peoples from both a public health perspective and an ethical perspective. During the spring semester, information sessions offer an opportunity to learn more about the course and immersion as well as to meet former students and current faculty teaching the course. Selected students will participate in a Fall semester course (enrolled as either IHS or THE) with travel that will take place in Costa Rica. We will have the opportunity to visit public and private health care hospitals, clinics, and centers.

Eligible Students:
  • Open to all majors & minors!
  • Healthcare Professional majors (IHS, BIO, CHEM) & Healthcare Ethics, Faith-Justice Studies & Environmental Studies minors are encouraged to apply.
  • Students who are in good financial standing and who are not on academic or disciplinary probation 

Program & Cost InformationNicaragua Clark 2013

1) Estimated* Program Fee:  TBD
  • Deposit: $300 due to the CIP (as check or money order only) by application deadline 
  • The remainder of the program fee will be due in two payments to the Office of Student Accounts (can be paid online) after acceptance to the program
*Fee is based upon 8 students participating. If the number of participants changes, the program fee will also change.  

2) Estimated Tuition: If this course is part of your normal course load (5 classes), there is no extra tuition fee. If this course is an overload course (a 6th course), students must pay tuition overload fee for 3-credits (see current SJU tuition for details).

Program Fee Includes: 
  • Transportation: Round-trip, international airfare; airport transfers; transportation for duration of program
  • Accommodation: Twin-shared housing
  • Meals: All meals included
  • Programming: Personal guide throughout the itinerary
  • Logistics: Premium for GeoBlue Emergency Medical, Natural Disaster & Political Evacuation Insurance; 24/7 assistance of on-site SJU Coordinator and CIP staff (U.S. based)
Not included in program fee:
  • U.S. Passport or Renewal, see below
  • Personal expenses (Souvenirs) 
  • Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance (Recommended, but optional. More information in online application)

Passport Information
Passport: Although a copy of your passport is not needed in order to apply for a Study Tour, it can take 6 weeks or more to obtain a passport. Upon acceptance, the CIP will need a copy of your passport. If your passport is expired or will expire April 2025 or earlier, please renew your passport right away.

Country Information
Review the following information for Costa Rica: State Department and CDC


How to ApplyNicaragua Clark 2014

  1. Click 'Apply Now' & login with your SJU login
  2. Drop off or mail in the $300 non-refundable confirmation deposit to the CIP office, made payable to 'Saint Joseph's University'. Please note: your application is not complete without the deposit.
Things to Remember:
  1. Applications are accepted first come, first served as space allows in the course.
  2. Students should begin the application process well in advance of the deadline due as there are may elements of the process like the deposit that take time to complete. 

*To access a previously started application, please click SJU login/register at the top right of the homepage and login to view your application. Do not click 'Apply Now' again.

Related Scholarships
Center for International Programs Study Tour Grant
The CIP Grant is due by 11:59pm October 15th, 2024
*Note: If you are selected to receive a CIP Study Tour Grant, the award amount will be credited to your account in the form of a refund, as full payment for the study tour is due by October.

LALS Scholarship
The Charles F. Shreiner '50 Fund for Latin American Studies is the gift of several generous alumni of Latin American Studies at Saint Joseph's University. Thanks to this endowment, the Latin American Studies Program can now offer three $500 scholarships to SJU students to support study in Latin America. To be eligible, a student must have already taken or be currently enrolled in one or more Latin American Studies courses at Saint Joseph’s. This course can be in any of the supporting disciplines. All Saint Joseph's University students, regardless of major are invited to apply, though preference will be given to students who have declared a minor in Latin American Studies and who demonstrate financial need. Please email Dr. Richard Gioioso, Director of LALS, at or the CIP at for an application form. Applications are due May 1st.
Nicaragua Clark 2013 Nicaragua Clark 2014

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Fall 2025 03/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.