Saint Joseph's University and the Center for International Programs are pleased to offer our students SJU faculty-led opportunities around the world. Whether you are a first-time leader or a seasoned veteran of our short-term programs, we are glad to see that you are considering leading a group of Hawks abroad! Please use the links below to navigate the proposal development, timeline and application process:
SJU has a long history of leading short-term, faculty-led study abroad programs. We began our very own SJU Study Tours in 2002, as leaders in the field of international education. Today, we support 100+ students annually through these international, academic opportunities.
During the 2021-2022 school year, 121 students (96 undergraduate & 25 graduate) traveled abroad through SJU Study Tours & Summer Programs. We would not be able to serve this student population without the passionate contribution of our faculty leaders.
Choosing between a Study Tour or Summer Program
SJU Study Tours are a semester-long course taught on campus during the fall or spring semester combined with a short-term period of group travel designed to introduce students to other countries and cultures by bringing to life what they learn in the classroom. Logistical coordination is provided by the Center for International Programs, a Tour Coordinator and a tour provider/organization.
SJU Summer Programs are designed to introduce students to other countries and cultures by immersing them in the country. The one-month courses are taught and led by SJU faculty and are offered each summer in locations where we have established a 'home base' in Greece, Rome, and South Africa. Logistical coordination is provided by the Center for International Programs, a Summer Program Coordinator and a program provider/organization. The goal of a Summer Program is to offer students from any major who may not have the flexibility to spend a semester abroad, but want a longer immersion than a Study Tour.
University Policies relating to Faculty-led Programs
Please review the Study Tour and Summer Program Policy, the Spouse/Child Participation Policy, and the Interim SJU International Travel Policy before submitting a proposal.
Marketing & Feasibility
When marketing faculty-led programs to students, it is helpful to keep in mind why some students choose this type of program. Students who decide to participate in study tours or summer programs likely to do so for one or more of the following reasons:
The desire to go abroad with a SJU faculty member. The faculty member may have a reputation or teaching style that attracts students. Students may be more comfortable going abroad with someone they know and have an established relationship with and who they view as a representative of SJU abroad.
Interest in a particular course/region. The assurance that credit for an exact course will be received abroad is a particularly attractive feature of SJU study tour or summer program.
Length of time. For many this is an excellent opportunity to cover coursework in the summer and not “miss” out on a semester on campus. Summer is a naturally appealing time for many students to study abroad and being away for 2-6 weeks seems more manageable for many students.
The appeal of a SJU-sponsored program. Some students and families prefer the familiarity and feeling of security that comes with a study tour or summer program because they are assured the same high quality of teaching they would receive on SJU’s home campus and the support of multiple SJU offices throughout the program cycle.
Pre-planned logistics. Many students want the independence of being abroad but may find an independent immersion experience daunting.
Key Elements to Create and Maintain Successful, High-quality Faculty-Led Programs:
Academic integrity
Integration into the curriculum
Affordable program design
Good pre- departure orientation and preparation
Faculty buy-in and participation
Interaction with the host community
Incorporation of local language
Opportunities for cultural enrichment
A safe and secure environment
Competent, experienced staff
Opportunities for guided reflection
Balance in program activities
Maintenance of a strong, healthy group dynamic
Opportunities for debriefing, reflection, reintegration upon return to the campus
Step 1: Submit a Proposal (February)
Meet with CIP for exploratory planning
Research location, topics, vendors to support program
Acquire GEP approvals with committee, if needed
Review CIP and University Policies
- Submit Proposal by 2/15 at 11:59PM
- ​Faculty will be notified of decisions by May/June, pending Department Chair, Dean, & Provost's Council approval
Step 2: Program Implementation (June - August)
CIP requests (3) proposals from outside vendors or works with faculty with on-site providers
Faculty finalize itinerary and arrangements with CIP & vendors
CIP & faculty select vendor; create budget for student program fee
CIP reserves Group airfare
Step 3: Student Marketing & Recruitment (August - November)
Faculty attend CIP Annual Study Abroad Fair to represent program
Plan class visits, departmental and colleague outreach and student information sessions with CIP
Correspond with interested students, develop formal syllabus and class meeting time (study tours only)
Review CIP online application brochure for marketing and information
CIP online application opens
Step 4: Application & Administration (November - March)
Grant Application deadline: 10/15 or 1/15; Committee meets and grants are awarded
​Application deadline 11/15 (spring tours), 2/1 (summer programs), 4/15 (fall tours) - students must submit a $300 non-refundable deposit
CIP completes application review (w/ faculty approval if needed) and sends acceptance notifications
Students "Commit to Participate"
CIP notifies Registrar of class to be created; register students
CIP notifies Office of Student Accounts of Program Fee & tuition to bill students
Step 5: Pre-departure Preparation (January/February for spring break travel, April & May for summer travel, October/November for winter travel)
CIP makes final travel arrangements, payments to vendors, requests University cell phone, etc.
Faculty & Coordinator attend University-required Risk Management Training for Group Travel
Students attend Health & Safety meeting
Faculty & Coordinator meet with CIP to review travel advance, itinerary, on-site preparation, etc.
Step 6: Group Travel
Faculty & Coordinator lead on-site orientation; communicate with CIP as needed
Step 7: Wrap-Up (Upon Return)
Faculty & Coordinator complete University-required Business Expense Report within 10 days
Students submit online evaluation
Faculty & Coordinator attend debrief meeting with CIP
Faculty submit grades to Registrar
Resources for Program Development
Forum on Education Abroad - Leading Short Term Education Abroad Programs
This guide for leaders of short-term programs explains what leaders need to know before running a program abroad. It is a framework for conversations between all those involved in the program. Like the Standards of Good Practice, they provide a means to assess and improve programs by ensuring that they include those essential elements that will maximize students’ learning and personal development while assuring their safety and well-being.
Forum on Education Abroad – Code of Ethics for Education Abroad
The Code of Ethics for Education Abroad is designed to guide ethical decision-making and assist organizations as they seek to provide education abroad experiences and services in accord with the highest ethical standards.
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange, working to advance policies and practices that ensure a more interconnected, peaceful world today and for generations to come.
IIE’s mission is to help people and organizations leverage the power of international education to thrive in today’s interconnected world. IIE focuses on work that achieves the following: advance scholarship, build economies, and promote access to opportunity.
Peace Corps - Educator Resources
The Paul D. Coverdell World Wise Schools program fosters an understanding of other cultures and global issues by providing online educational resources based on the Peace Corps experience and facilitating communication among U.S. learners and current and returned Peace Corps Volunteers.
Global Oneness Project
This education program offers tools to become deeply engaged with the issues and ideas raised in the Global Oneness film and media content. Through these materials, educators may develop effective ways to introduce global themes, environmental issues, and multi-cultural awareness into their established course curricula.
15-Feb | Faculty Proposals Due online to CIP |
May | CIP notifies faculty of proposal decisions |
Please use the links below to submit an online proposal:
Study Tour Proposal Application
SJU Summer Program Proposal Application
Proposal applications typically open in November. Please keep in mind the deadline to submit proposals is 11:59pm February 15th. Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline.
Please contact the CIP at to learn more.